So, it's back to TH/TP consultations.
Personally, I found having been in the practice and the town was very helpful with getting my bearings. It was easier to understand the workflows and to know where things - and people - are.
Quite the variety today, certainly everyday GP stuff (including the need to have an onsite clinician review a skin rash - one I could handle via video (P. Versicolor) the other one, no - a swab needed to be taken and medication started).
I'm still looking things up. Still having to book a follow up appt so I can start to understand the intricacies of the case. None of this is unique to MM4 - it would be the same with any new practice/patient. At least here there are usually some records to help me. Finding QScript helpful for confirming stated medication use. Finding MHR hit and miss. Finding that missing discharge summaries are just as frustrating in MM4 as they are in MM1.
But, I'm able to do this while sitting at home. I'm providing a small lift in capacity from my living room. You don't have to have your boots on the ground to be of use. So far people have been grateful, but I can see the cracks that people have fallen between due to lack of GP care. They exist in the city too, perhaps they are just more visible to me here.
There is no one simple solution.
Me, in front of the magnificent photo of a snow gum, Mount Kosciuszko National Park, photographer Adam Gormley
“Single answers to complex life situations only look good on paper.
If they could have been emulated easily in real life, they would have been.”
Dr Angie Kiren